We begin this plan by exploring the relationship with load and speed. By now you should be consistently jumping and landing in to the receiving position, transitioning under the bar with some amount of load. The challenge from here is to get out of the bottom of your front or overhead squat. You want to spend just enough time at the bottom to stabilize or save the lift if the bar traveled a bit outside of your range, but not too spend much time at the bottom where you are spending necessary energy. In short, get out from the bottom as quick as you can and squat up as fast as you can.
Drill: Tempo Squats
1) You will find that you can afford to spend more time stabilizing at the bottom of the snatch for an overhead squat than you can with a clean for a front squat. This is because you will typically overhead squat less weight than your 1RM back squat with greater instability; whereas you will typically front squat closer to your 1RM back squat with good stability. Thus, any extra time spent in the bottom of the front squat is lost energy.
2) Start this drill with just your bodyweight, mimicking the torso demand of a snatch. Arms overhead, holding your thumbs. Start with a 5 second tempo descent, explode up in the ascent. Then attempt 4:1 second timing ratio, 3:1, 2:1, and 1:1 second ration of descent to ascent.
3) If you can maintain control with your bodyweight through these tempos, then you try to add load, with a plate or kettlebell. Perform this drill with load again through all of the timing ratios.