
Day 8 Squeeze & Resist it!
From #Febooty Challenge by Marie Hughes

Todays challenge introduces Swiss ball and resistance bands to your workout. Be sure to refer to the guidelines before beginning. There are 3 circuits for this challenge. complete them and listen to your body. you should be stronger now but do not force where you cannot go any longer. remember to stretch the muscles you worked to limit the amount of muscle soreness.

start workout with:
5 to 10 min Lower body warm up exercise

Circuit 1
[2 Rounds 15reps each, 30secs rest after each round]
-Swiss Ball Bridge
-Wall sit (30secs)
-Swiss Ball Single leg bridge (Right leg)
-Wall sit (30secs)
-Swiss Ball Single leg bridge (Left leg)
-Swiss Ball Hamstring curl
-Wall sit (30secs)
-30 sec rest

Circuit 2

--> Here's your timer for Circuits 2 & 3:

[1 Round 45 secs each, 30 sec rest at end of round]

-Pulse ups + Hamstring curls (right leg)
-Straight leg kick backs + Pulses (Right leg)
-Pulse ups + Hamstring curls (left leg)
-Straight leg kick backs + Pulses (left leg)
-Straight leg swings (right leg)
-Straight leg swings (left leg)
-30 second Wall Sit
-30 sec Rest

** (for pulse ups + hamstring curls, pulse the leg up for half the time, then curl for the rest. So about 22secs pulse then 22secs curls. Apply the same rule for straight leg kick backs + pulses)

Circuit 3
[1 Round 45secs each]
-Swiss Ball bridge
-Wall sit (25 secs)
-Pulse ups + hamstring curls (Right Leg)
-Pulse ups + hamstring curls (Left leg)
-Wall sit (25 secs)
-Swiss Ball Single leg bridge (left leg)
-Swiss Ball Single leg bridge (right leg)
-Wall sit (25 secs)
-Straight leg swings (left leg)
-Straight leg swings (right leg)
-Swiss Ball Bridge

*Note: use chair in place of Swiss ball bridge workouts if you do not have access to one. For the Swiss ball hamstring curl, use the resistance band hamstring curl to replace it on no resistance band at all.

Marie Hughes’ Online Workout Videos on Alo Moves

Marie’s Bio