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Crescent Lunge Pose

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Learn how to do Crescent Lunge Pose (Anjaneyasana). This video tutorial will teach you the proper alignment and technique to help you safely move into Crescent Lunge Pose.

Crescent Lunge offers a nice balance of strengthening and stretching in the upper and lower body. It’s the perfect pose for runners, cyclists, and desk-bound individuals. Read on to find out how to perform Crescent Lunge and reap all its benefits.

Benefits of Crescent Lunge Pose:
- Stretches your legs, hip flexors, hamstrings, and groin
- Strengthens thighs and glutes
- Opens your chest and shoulders
- Develops lower-body stamina and endurance
- Improves your balance and focus

How to do Crescent Lunge Pose:
1. Come into a runner’s lunge, one leg back and one leg forward with your fingertips underneath your shoulders on the mat.
2. Make sure your feet are hip-width in distance and your front-leg shin is straight over the top of your foot. Your back-leg knee is lifted up off the ground with the ball of your foot stacked underneath your heel.
3. Put a little bend in your back-leg knee, place your hands on your front-leg knee, and press your torso up over your pelvis.
4. Lift your lower belly and draw your ribs in.
5. Straighten your back leg by pressing your heel back and lifting your inner thigh. Squeeze your inner thighs together to find mula bandha, and begin to stretch your arms up toward the sky.
6. Inhale and lengthen through the sides of your waist and lift your back ribs. Exhale and draw your front ribs down and in.
7. For an extra challenge, bring your palms to touch and gaze up toward your hands.