Kayla Nielsen

Kayla Nielsen’s Online Workout Videos on Alo Moves

Kayla Nielsen is a yoga teacher, humanitarian, and entrepreneur who is dedicated to serving people, animals, and the planet through environmental service.
As a daughter of a yoga teacher, Kayla began learning yoga asana as a child, and has continued forward with the physical practice for the last 21 years. In that time, yoga expanded beyond just physical into a mental, spiritual, and holistic approach to life both on and off of the mat.

She has accumulated over 1,000 hours of training from a variety of schools, styles, and methodologies around the world including: Baptiste Vinyasa, Hatha, Yin, Budokan, Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Reiki, and Yogic Philosophy.

Kayla has crafted a unique style pulling bits and pieces from her continuous study and life evolution.
In the last decade, Kayla has spent most of her time living out of a backpack bouncing around all of Asia, Africa, parts of Europe and Australia. She runs her own retreat business, GLOW Yoga Retreats, where she leads international events across the globe.

After teaching in countless countries, at countless retreat centers, and incredible locations- she knew one day she’d have her own space in a quiet slice of paradise.
In 2019, Kayla and her wife found the perfect place, and started planting roots in Northern Nicaragua to make that dream into a reality by building their own little oasis otherwise known as Still Salty Escape.

Still Salty Escape is a barefoot hospitality space on a mission to protect the environment, cultivate community & reconnect with nature through wellbeing, exploration & service. In addition to Still Salty Escape, they also run The Salty Farm, which is the only fully organic farm in the region. Still Salty Escape and The Salty Farm provide jobs to locals, and also give back to those in need through food, education, and empowerment. A portion of Still Salty Escape’s revenue is used implement environmental protection projects within the community like reducing single use plastic, beach clean ups, solar use, and agriculture.

Currently, Kayla and her wife split their time between Southern Florida and Northern Nicargua with their fur babies.