"BodyStrong" Online Video Workouts on Alo Moves

About BodyStrong

BodyStrong will completely change the way you see strength. Together we'll move, sculpt and tone your body in completely new ways, and after 60 days you will feel better in your skin than you ever have before!

When I first started yoga, I was not strong. I wasn’t able to do any of the strong poses, arm balances or inversions I saw fellow students doing in class. Rather than giving up on myself and my practice, I decided to prove that I could be as strong as I wanted and could take my practice as far as I chose! This 2-part series contains the exercises I used when I first started to develop strength, and I still use these sequences in my practice today! I know that if they worked for me, they will work for you!

What sets BodyStrong apart is its method. Our goal isn't to get big or bulky, instead we will develop long, lean muscles with specifically targeted exercises. Rather than working the muscle up until it begins to burn, each day we will actually work to muscle exhaustion and continue through the burn, so that you get the most out of your workout!

I also created a meal planning and nutrition journal just for this bundle! You'll learn what to eat and how to calculate key metrics in order to maximize your results whether you're looking to lose weight, build lean muscle, or both! PLUS I’ve also filled it with over 30 amazing recipes that come with calorie and protein facts to keep you on track to reaching your goals!

I've worked so hard for the strength I have today and I am so excited to share my tips and secrets with you. I can’t wait to introduce you to your strongest self!

instructor Instructor profile

Ashley Galvin is a yoga instructor based in Southern California. She is known around the world for her strength and flexibility, and she constantly inspires others with her yoga practice.

Ashley spent her childhood between the beaches and mountains of California. Inspired by the healthy lifestyle of her parents, she embarked on a journey to learn more about nutrition and the benefits of active living. That path led her to her first yoga class in 2009, where she fell in love with the practice.

Determined to help empower others through yoga, she began teaching in 2011 and has since taught workshops, retreats, and classes all over the world. Her strong, dynamic flows help cultivate body awareness, empower others to embrace their unique gifts, and give students a deep understanding of their yoga practice.

Total Run Time

Duration 5 hrs 54 mins

Total Videos

10 Videos

2 series

Included Styles

Series in this Collection

Ashley Galvin's "BodyStrong I" Online Video Workouts on Alo Moves
Difficulty—Intermediate—Outlined Copy Created with Sketch.

BodyStrong is a month-long plan to dramatically strengthen and tone your whole body. It's filled with effective exercises and challenging movements that will isolate and engage the muscles in your arms, legs, abs, and booty! As we progress through the month, we’ll activate your entire body, leaving you feeling great in your own skin!

I was never strong and it has taken me years to gain the strength and awareness I have today. This series is filled with all of the exercises, tips and techniques that have helped me and ones I know will work for you! I wish something like this had been around when I was looking to build and advance my practice!

What sets this series apart is its method. Rather than working the muscle up until it begins to burn, we will actually work to muscle exhaustion and continue through the burn, so that you get the most out of your workout! And because we revisit the classes over a full month, you will get familiar with the movements and can focus on developing body awareness.

This series isn’t about getting big or bulky, rather it’s about developing long, lean muscles with specifically targeted exercises. I’m so proud of this program and am so excited to help you bring your strength and practice to the next level!

Ashley Galvin's "BodyStrong II" Online Video Workouts on Alo Moves
Difficulty—Advanced Copy Created with Sketch.

Loved BodyStrong? Level up to BodyStrong II to dramatically strengthen and tone your whole body. This monthlong series emphasizes body awareness in peak poses, arm balances, and handstands. Though these classes aren’t more physically strenuous than the first series, they are more technical. You'll begin with an arm balance and handstand tutorial, then put those skills to use by testing your strength in your core, arms, legs, and booty with challenging yoga-inspired workouts.

In this series, you will:

- Deepen your strength, flexibility, and body awareness
- Advance your yoga practice with arm balances and inversions
- Expand your yoga knowledge with in-depth pose tutorials

Plus, this bonus only available with the bundle

BodyStrong Meal Planning (PDF)
Understand the amount of food and protein you should eat to obtain your goals, whether it's to lose weight, build lean muscle or get healthy. Learn how to calculate your your BMR (basal metabolic rate) and TCN (total calories needed) based on your level of activity, age and other factors. Then meal plan for success with over 30 provided recipes!