"Backbend" Online Video Workouts on Alo Moves

About Backbend

This bundle is a series of three plans designed to advance your Yoga practice and master backbending postures and transitions.

In the Foundation plan we will work on properly warming up the body and creating a solid foundation for your backbends. In the Intermediate plan we will begin to incorporate your arms overhead. The Advanced Backbending plan links these together and focuses on transitions between backbends.

Backbends are some of the most therapeutic postures of the physical yoga practice. They challenge us physically, mentally, and emotionally. Taking time to focus on my backbends has not only changed my physical practice but within my backbending practice, I have found security and peace of heart.

instructor Instructor profile

Work hard, find softness. MacKenzie Miller will leave you feeling as if you have flirted with gravity and laughed with the divine. Students are instantaneously transported away from the hustle of their daily lives, allowing their mat to be an arena reserved for cultivating inner peace.

MacKenzie is a certified personal trainer and yoga instructor. Her teaching combines thorough understanding of alignment and anatomy with the joy of balance and movement. She engages deeply with her students and her classes are thoughtfully sequenced, creating a safe space to have fun and explore, work hard yet find softness.

No aspect of the modern practice experience is left untouched. All will leave energized, grinning and humming at the end.

Total Run Time

Duration 4 hrs 50 mins

Total Videos

20 Videos

3 series

Included Styles

Series in this Collection

MacKenzie Miller's "Backbend Foundations - 2014" Online Video Workouts on Alo Moves
Difficulty—Moderate—Outlined Copy Created with Sketch.

This Foundations plan is the first phase of this 3-part backbending program. We recommend completing this plan to build a solid foundation for the later phases. In this plan, I introduce a series of backbending postures that create a strong foundation for all future backbending. I provide detailed instruction for the movements in a way that is accessible to all levels, regardless if you are flexible or stiff, are advanced or have never backbended before. Furthermore, the videos in this series ensure the proper progression for backbends to be performed safely and with grace. I like to use these poses and sequences to build muscular endurance for the muscles on the backside of the body and to properly warm up the body for the backbends in the intermediate and advanced series. Taking time to focus on being present and breathing into my backbends has not only changed my physical practice but within my backbending practice, I have found security and peace of heart.
I look forward to sharing this precious journey with you.

MacKenzie Miller's "Intermediate Backbends" Online Video Workouts on Alo Moves
Difficulty—Intermediate—Outlined Copy Created with Sketch.

This is the second phase of a 3-part backbending program. This phase builds on our Foundations plan and begins to incorporate the arms overhead in our backbends. It also introduces intermediate backbend poses to improve spinal flexibility and strengthen backside of the body including Ustrasana (Camel Pose), Dhanurasana (Bow Pose), Dhanurasana Variations, Eka Pada Rajakapotasana, Natarajasana (Dancers Pose), and finally Kapotasana (Full King Pigeon).

Prior experience with backbending is preferred and we recommend completing the Backbend Foundations plan to become familiar with the relevant poses and movements before beginning this plan.

MacKenzie Miller's "Advanced Backbends" Online Video Workouts on Alo Moves
Difficulty—Advanced Copy Created with Sketch.

This is the third phase of a 3-part backbending program. This phase builds on our intermediate backbend series and introduces advanced backbend poses including Eka Pada Urdhva Dhanurasana (One Legged Wheel Pose) and Vrschikasana (Scorpion Pose). It also that introduces difficult backbend transitions like kicking over from Viparita Dandasana (Inverted Staff Pose) or Urdhva Dandasana (Wheel) or transitioning from Ustrasana (Camel Pose) and Urdhva Dhanurasana (Wheel Pose).

Prior experience with backbending is preferred and we recommend completing the Intermediate Backbends plan to become familiar with the relevant poses and movements before beginning this plan.

Plus, this bonus only available with the bundle

Backbend Practitioner's Guide (PDF)
40 pages of detailed guidance on backbend alignment, posture and therapeutics - a must have for a safe & effective practice.